What a phenomenal talent David Spindel is! He and his family are big fans of our book Don’t Stick Sticks Up Your Nose! Don’t Stuff Stuff In Your Ears! so he created this fun image for the holiday season!
Come to think of it, our book is the perfect size for a stocking stuffer. Coincidentally, small toys and small objects that kids play with during the holiday season will find their way into their nose and ears. Think of necklace and bracelet beads, Play-Doh, and dangerous button batteries contained in toys (and in Grandma’s and Grampa’s hearing aids). Then have conversations about keeping these things out of kid’s ears and nose (and mouths). We don’t want your child to have to visit his Pediatrician or Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor to have one of these removed.
In addition to foreign objects in kids’ ears, we must not ignore the occasional foreign body in an adults ear or nose…
For 3 weeks, this 67-year-old gentleman had a “full” or “plugged” sensation in his right ear. He thought it may have been wax or even fluid in his ear. It was neither! This object is a part of his hearing aid that fell off and was lodged deep in his ear canal, next to his eardrum. Using a microscope to view the object, I carefully removed it and then showed it to him. He was amazed to say the least. He was surprised because he didn’t even realize that it fell off! This holiday season, let’s give thanks to all we have and protect all we have, as well!
Happy Thanksgiving!