Foreign bodies from a foreign country!

I am off to Me’Kele, Ethiopia where we will work alongside Ethiopian doctors examining and caring for the people of Ethiopia.  I don’t know if they put things in their ears and nose as often as the U.S. kids (and adults) do… we will see.  For those...

Not Weird At All!

Don’t Stick Sticks Up Your Nose!  Don’t Stuff Stuff In Your Ears! is loved! got a hold of our book and loved it!  So far, dog food up a child’s nose and fish tank gravel in the nose were 2 of the most recent...

How to clean your ears in 2 easy steps.

Grandma used to say that nothing goes in your ears except your elbow and she was right! While there may be multiple methods tried, the first rule of thumb is that nothing should go in your ears except your elbow!  But, if ear wax is a problem you may: 1)  Put a few...

Foreign Body Removed from an Ear

The little item (not the quarter) was removed from a 9 year old girl’s ear – should we rewrite the book for an older age group?