Glowing Affection – in the Ear?

And, did I tell you about the 17-year-old guy who had a glow stick pushed into his left ear? He was at his high school’s football game, and the girl next to him pushed the glow stick into his ear and punctured his eardrum! Ouch!

Paper Wad Right Up the Nose

This picture comes to us from the motor city, Detroit. My Friend, Dr. Seidman removed this from a young Romanian child’s nose. Unfortunately Don’t Stick Sticks Up Your Nose! Don’t Stuff Stuff In Your Ears hasn’t been translated into...

Review on “Don’t Stick, Don’t Stuff” Book Great Book!

Laurie, Amazon reviewer, gives this 5 out of 5 stars!I have a curious little 3-year-old, and really it is just a matter of time before he wonders what would happen if he stuck a Lego up his nose or in his ear. This creative book is perfect for teaching him, and all...